
Wild & Scenic Film Festival
October 22
| Paige
The Wild & Scenic Film Festival will take place Saturday October 22nd at Billig Ranch in Paige, TX. This event will be a drive-in movie at this 677 acre wildlife refuge. Attendees will be able to watch the film from the comfort of their car or lawn chairs. They will even have the unique opportunity to camp at the preserve following the screening. There will be activities like led hikes and others for kids, concessions and open trails. Films are family friendly, inspiring and diverse with topics ranging from wildlife, water, indigenous people, local activism and sustainable land practices.
The Wild & Scenic Film Festival works with conservation groups across the globe to host the film festival to reach into their communities and bring together a diverse audience. The goal is to use film to inspire local activism, renew our love of the outdoors and to showcase one of our own unique properties.
Please visit for more information and to learn more about the festival in general visit
208 Billig Lane