I want to take this opportunity to personally invite you to this year’s annual membership meeting. The annual meeting gives us the opportunity to meet and visit with members, and get to know each other better.
At this year’s meeting, you will hear reports and updates regarding the operations of the cooperative, the election of directors and what can be expected in the future. Employees will be present at various booths to answer any questions you may have in the areas of energy management, safety, technology and community involvement, just to name a few.
The directors and employees of TVEC hope that you find the annual membership meeting not only informative but enjoyable as well. A lot of hard work and planning is put in by cooperative employees to ensure the success of this meeting. The planning process starts early in the year and ends just before the meeting is held. In 2017, a record number of members attended the annual meeting. We have also been very pleased that the number of members who have attended for the first time has steadily increased each year.
As we prepare for this membership meeting, we reflect on how the electric cooperative program came to be. We look back in admiration of the small groups of rural folks across our great country that took a leap of faith in the late 1930s and decided it was time to improve the quality of life for themselves and their neighbors. Their mission was to bring electricity to rural areas and reap the same benefits that the “city folks” experienced. As a result, electric cooperatives sprang up all over the country, and the movement of electrifying rural America was underway.
The principles that electric cooperatives were founded on back then still exist today. The board of directors, management and employees use those same principles to run the day-to-day affairs of your cooperative.
I hope you are able to attend this year’s annual meeting.