Several stories in the December magazine feature Web Extras, with additional information and photos available online. Here are links to stories where you’ll find web-exclusive content marked Web Extra.
The Best Christmas Gift I Ever Got Was …
“Actual water and mud from the real North Pole. My brother-in-law was on an icebreaker scientific ship and brought it back.” See what else readers say they found under their trees or added to their lives.
Burgs in a New Land
Learn about how the founder of Fredericksburg signed what is believed to be the only unbroken peace treaty between Native Americans and U.S. settlers. Also, it takes a little Latin-based tongue twisting, but there are actually four words for an event that occurred 175 years before.
He Gave Us the Stars
Our video shows how McDonald Observatory grants researchers and visitors access to the cosmos.
Focus on Texas: On Wheels
Readers are on a roll this month, showing they get around in all sorts of ways.
Ghost Town Hangout
It’s a long way from anywhere to Terlingua, but it doesn’t take Chet long to discover that nothing about the place is a bore. Check out the video from the Starlight Theatre.