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For Electric Cooperative Members
Medina EC News

Democratic Member Control

Message from CEO Mark Rollans

It’s that time of year again: the time when we see Cooperative Principle No. 2: Democratic Member Control in action at district nominating meetings around our service area.

Per our bylaws, nominating meetings are held annually. They are designed to take care of important business: nominating members who want to run for one of the open board seats in the fall board election. Medina EC is owned—and governed—by every member that gets a bill from us each month. Since the board of directors ultimately determine the direction of the cooperative through their votes and input, it’s important that all cooperative members are involved in the nomination process. Directors do, after all, represent you and your interests. Each year, one seat on the board is open in each of the cooperative’s three voting districts.

If you’re interested in serving on the board of directors, these nominating meetings are a great opportunity to visit with current board members and staff to understand the time requirements of board membership. The meetings are also your opportunity to be nominated for one of the candidate positions. You can nominate yourself or ask another member to nominate you for the position.

If you can’t make the meeting, you can get on the ballot through the petition process, which involves gathering 30 signatures from members located in your voting district. Learn more about that process and download a petition form at

Whether you are interested in running for a board position, want a chance at winning the $50 prize at the meeting or if you just want to meet some of the cooperative staff and myself, make plans to spend about 30 minutes and come visit with us.

Mark Rollans