Saddle up, and let’s hit the trail. This month our readers show off their well-worn and well-loved riding gear. Made of traditional leather or lighter-weight synthetics, saddles are passed down through families and remind us of hard work and the spirit of the Old West.

Terry Sueltman, Pedernales EC: “This was the ‘little partner’ of a cowgirl who rode up to us with her dog in the pouch.”

Beatrice Lusk, Cherokee County EC: “Debra riding Freckles.”

Anne Barcak, San Patricio EC: The Glasscock brothers water their horses while working cattle, circa 1960.

Web Extra: Raymond Testa, Farmers EC: “Various well-worn saddles of many past adventures out in the open prairie.”

Web Extra: Barbara Knudsen, Central Texas EC: “This is an antique, handmade Peruvian sidesaddle made to fit a Peruvian paso horse. It has a slipper stirrup and no leaping head. These were added later [to make] riding this way a little safer.”

Web Extra: Cheryl Iselt, Bluebonnet EC: “My son, Dylan, getting my granddaughter, Bayleigh, ready for her first ride.”

Web Extra: Karen Lloyd, Guadalupe Valley EC: “Our grandson, Weston, taking a nap on his mama’s saddle.”

Web Extra: Anisha McCord, Pedernales EC: “My young lady has a flair for fashion.”

Web Extra: Jessica Melker, CoServ: “Madison Melker jumping verticals during her first horse show of the season.”

Web Extra: Danny O’Steen, Trinity Valley EC: Sadie Grace Lovell has won three saddles this year in riding competitions.

Web Extra: Jeremiah Terry, Bandera EC: “Cowgirls on the Llano.”

Web Extra: Kim Wheeler, Sam Houston EC: “I had the pleasure of taking this little one’s first birthday pictures out on the trail in our woods located in Goodrich.”