Mark your calendar for the Sam Houston Electric Cooperative Annual Meeting of Members, which will be held virtually Tuesday, June 14.
“While we want to see all of our members and friends, it is not safe to gather in such a large group at this time due to the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic,” said Keith Stapleton, Sam Houston EC chief communications officer. “We hope to meet in person next year.”
The virtual meeting will still include reports on Co-op business, including the announcement of board election winners and prize drawings. Visit for detailed information and a step-by-step guide on how to join and participate.
Board election ballots were distributed to the membership in May. Members can vote for the board of directors by mail-in ballot or online. A quorum of 10% is required to elect the board of directors, so all Co-op members are strongly encouraged to vote.
Sam Houston EC members received a paper ballot and may return their ballot by mail if they prefer. Members can also follow the online voting instructions that accompany the mailed ballot. Electronic (online) and mail-in voters will be eligible for prize drawings at the meeting. To be officially counted, ballots must be received, either online or by mail, no later than 10 a.m. June 13.