The Operation Round Up Board of Directors initiated a program offering small, $500 grants to teachers. Grants were available to K-12 teachers in math or language arts for the 2019-2020 school year. The funds are made available by South Plains Electric Cooperative members contributing to Operation Round Up. Their monthly bill is rounded up to the next dollar, and the extra change, averaging only $6 per year, funds projects like the teacher mini-grants, scholarships and much more.

South Plains Electric Cooperative
Lisa Sanders is a kindergarten teacher at Cotton Center Elementary and is a 2019-2020 Operation Round Up Mini-Grant recipient. Sanders purchased an iPad to improve students’ reading and writing skills.
“Technology is an amazing thing. It can be useful, beneficial and fun for students in the classroom,” Sanders said.

South Plains Electric Cooperative
The iPads have programs that teach students how to correctly write letters in a game format. These games are good practice for skills that students are already learning in the classroom, while keeping them engaged in their own learning and working at their own pace.
“There is no way that I would have been able to do this without SPEC! Thanks to you, I can give my students the option to truly engage in their learning,” Sanders said. “By embracing technology in the classroom, I know that I am preparing my students for their future!”