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Magic Valley Returns $5.4 Million in Capital Credits to Members

Co-op business model reflects enduring commitment

Electric cooperatives, such as Magic Valley Electric Cooperative (MVEC), operate with a distinct business model that sets them apart from other utility providers. As a consumer and member of your cooperative, you are not just a customer; you are part-owner of the business. This ownership bestows certain privileges, one of which involves the allocation and retirement of excess revenue known as “margins” in the form of capital credits.

When you consider the retirement of capital credits, it serves as a tangible representation of your stake in Magic Valley. MVEC’s member-owned status allows it to function as a not-for-profit utility, a model executed through the careful management and retirement of capital credits. This year, the board of directors has approved the retirement of $5.4 million in capital credits. Capital credit allocations from 2001 will be fully retired along with a portion of the allocations from 2021.

Magic Valley’s operating approach prioritizes cost—generating adequate revenue to maintain and grow the business without the requirement to enhance rates for the profit of remote shareholders. When surplus funds are accumulated, they are allocated back to you and your fellow members in the form of capital credits. The Cooperative then retires or pays these credits as financial circumstances allow, often in the form of a check. The process of distributing capital credits requires meticulous evaluation by MVEC’s board of directors. They must assess the financial health of the cooperative and the need for capital in forthcoming years. A carefully determined percentage is utilized to calculate the annual retirement of capital credits, ensuring that the Cooperative’s financial integrity remains robust.

Cooperatives are distinguished by allocating and retiring excess revenue to members. This philosophy underpins our commitment to supporting our communities by reinvesting in the local economy and the people we serve. It’s a feature that makes our business model uniquely valuable. The retirement of capital credits, named so because members contribute capital to enable the Cooperative’s operation and expansion, relies on MVEC’s financial condition. Allocated capital credits are retained to mitigate emergencies, such as natural disasters, unexpected occurrences, and expansion of the electric system, which might entail extensive construction. This strategy reduces the need to increase rates or incur debt for infrastructure investments. In time, and if financial stability allows, MVEC may opt to retire a predetermined amount of capital credits.

In conclusion, the retirement of capital credits is more than a financial transaction; it’s a reflection of MVEC’s enduring commitment to its members. It is a practice that aligns with our core values, reinforcing the Cooperative’s mission to provide exceptional service while prioritizing the interests of those we serve.