Imagine seeing a classified ad for a job that read like this:
“Lineworker Wanted: Long and unpredictable hours, hazardous working conditions. Requires some weekend and holiday work. Must be able to learn complex technical operations, work under extreme pressure and deal with people under difficult conditions—all with a smile.”
You’d think a job description like this would scare people off, wouldn’t you? But not all people. These demanding jobs attract dedicated people. Highly skilled people. People who know that they’ll be out in the middle of the night, working long hours in driving storms, all to make our lives better. These intrepid people are Trinity Valley Electric Cooperative linemen.
To be ready to respond no matter the situation or weather conditions, electric cooperative lineworkers in Texas take advantage of dozens of training opportunities and safety courses offered annually by our statewide association, Texas Electric Cooperatives. Our lineworkers go through regular training to ensure that they can work safely and proficiently with specialized equipment. The equipment gets tested regularly, too.
Lineworkers also focus on safety; the lives of co-workers are on the line. For linemen, there can be no slip-ups or careless actions on the job. Mistakes can cost a limb or a life. That’s one of the reasons linemen form a brotherhood. When you put your life in the hands of co-workers every day, they become more than colleagues. They’re family.
That sense of family extends throughout the co-op’s service area. Like the rest of the co-op’s employees, linemen are generally fellow members of your co-op; they’re neighbors and friends, and they look out for their community. Your comfort and safety are big reasons that our linemen take such pride in a tough job.
TVEC lineworkers are the heart of Co-op Country. If you agree, give our hometown heroes a big thumbs-up when you see them at work—or shake their hands and thank them when you see them in the grocery store or at the co-op’s next annual meeting.
They expect no special recognition. It’s reward enough for them to know your family is safe and warm, regardless of the weather. Nevertheless, we’d like to thank our lineworkers for their hard work and dedication.