Everything is possible with faith. In 2017, husband and wife duo Ken and Donna Davis were working full-time corporate jobs and serving at their church. Then Ken felt that he was being called upon and spoken to.
“The Lord just impressed on Ken’s heart, ‘feed my people,’” Donna Davis said. “He came home from work and said, ‘I think we’re supposed to start a food pantry.’ ”
Working with the pastor at their church, Ken and Donna took over a broom closet to hold grocery items. On the first Sunday, they fed one family. “The next Sunday, we fed three families, and then we kept going,” Donna said.
Faith at Work Ministries became a separate nonprofit in 2018, named in honor of Ken and Donna’s daughter.
“We named it Faith at Work Ministries, first, for our faith in God, but second, in memory of my daughter Faith Marie, who passed away in 2012,” Donna said. “It is like an ongoing legacy of what God has done and the beauty from the ashes that he’s brought in our lives.”
As the food ministry continued to grow, other opportunities to serve people in need began to emerge.

Faith at Work Ministries volunteers prepare food for needy families at their facility in Kemp.
Courtesy of Faith at Work
“In 2019, the Lord stirred us and moved us, and a small group of us went out to the Mabank Pavilion, and we started holding a church service,” Donna said. “We would do church service, and then we would give away boxes of food and it just kept getting bigger and bigger.”
Currently, Faith at Work Ministries gives away more than 800 boxes of food on Sundays with about 350 cars coming through the food line. Sixty-five to 70 volunteers help the ministry do the labor.
“When we finish the final car, usually around 4 p.m., then we have three to four other ministries that back their trailers in, and we load all their trucks and trailers, and they go and take care of their food lines,” Donna said. “By the end of the day, about 3,000 people get food on Sunday alone.” They have estimated that each week about 9000 people are benefiting from Faith at Work’s food assistance.
In addition to the food assistance, a thrift store and recently opened Lots of Faith RV park have been added. “We kept running into people that didn’t have a place to live, so we could give them food, but there wasn’t a place for them to live,” Donna said.
Now, they have a 15-lot RV park, and right now, seven of those are ministry. “We have people that are trying to get restarted on life and get jobs and get settled so that they can get up and out and be independent again.”
Find out more about Faith at Work online at faithatworkministries.org or on their Facebook page.