Thanks to Big Country Electric Cooperative members who participate in Operation Round Up, the following local charitable organizations received donations in 2019:
Scurry County EMS, $2,000
Scurry County Ministerial Alliance Food Cupboard, $4,250
Stonewall County Senior Citizens Center, $5,000
Children’s Organ Transplant Association, $2,500
Hamlin Community Food Bank, $1,500
West Texas Children’s Advocacy Center, $1,000
Jones County 4-H, $1,500
The Texas Ramp Project, Scurry County, $2,500
The Sparrow’s Nest Maternity Home, $1,500
Rule Independent School District, $1,000
Kiwanis Goodfellows, $1,250
Aspermont Small Business Development Center
/Double Mountain Outreach Services, $2,000
Snyder Shares Free Store, $1,250
Fisher County Food Pantry, $2,000
First United Methodist Church Food Pantry, Anson, $2,000
Stamford Elementary School Backpacks for Kids Program, $1,000
Since the program’s launch in December 2014, Operation Round Up has raised more than $275,000 to help local families in need and area charitable organizations. Your donation of just pennies each month makes a big difference!
Operation Round Up is supported by co-op members whose electric bills are rounded up to the nearest dollar each month. Those pennies, nickels, dimes and quarters go into the Operation Round Up fund for distribution to individuals and organizations with demonstrated financial need in the counties we serve: Borden, Fisher, Garza, Haskell, Jones, Kent, Mitchell, Nolan, Scurry, Shackelford, Stonewall and Throckmorton.
Applications are handled and evaluated with the utmost confidence and respect, and funds are disbursed by the trust’s board of directors—your peers and neighbors—who volunteer their time and consideration to make decisions that will positively affect lives in our communities. Food banks, shelters, organizations that support health and medical needs, rescue organizations, educational projects, child care programs, and other community support groups are just a few of the causes Operation Round Up can lend support to, which helps strengthen our communities. Every penny stays right here at home, in the counties we serve.
To be considered for the next quarterly review, applications are due by 5 p.m. Tuesday, February 25.
For more information about the program or to download an application for assistance, visit and select Service Beyond Electricity, then Operation Round Up on our homepage. Contact Sarah McLen at [email protected] or (325) 776-3803 with any questions about Operation Round Up.