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Pedernales EC News

Power Rush Hour: Beat the Peak

Shift into overdrive

Summer’s half over, but Power Rush Hour’s not done yet. Remember to keep shifting your energy use away from the peak hours of 2-6 p.m. If we all work together to shift our use, we can help lower our transmission costs for all of next year. Learn more ways you can shift your use and save at

Biggest Road Hogs
Steer away from using these major appliances between 2 and 6 p.m.

Pre-cool your home in the morning, then bump the thermostat up a few degrees during peak hours.

Run this appliance outside of peak hours. You can also save by turning off the heat dry feature.

Washer and dryer
Wash and dry your laundry in the morning, evening or even overnight.

Water heater
Install a timer that turns this appliance off during hours you’re not likely to use hot water.