As we all know, the past year has been a difficult time for everyone during the pandemic, which created a new sense of adaptation to our jobs and daily lives. Thanks to technology, we can do many tasks electronically and remotely to help adapt a little easier. As in-person meetings begin to slowly come back to the normality of our society, you may ask yourself, “Is it safe to attend large crowd events?”
Magic Valley Electric Cooperative cares about your safety because we exist to provide safe, reliable, and affordable energy to all our members. So, the question of whether it is safe to attend this year’s Annual Meeting is on everyone’s mind. I would like to provide you the confidence that the meeting has been planned carefully over the past few months to make it a safe event. Your input is deeply valued, as we continue to keep our member’s best interests in mind.
As a valued member, your perspective is important to us, and we invite you to share it with the Co-op. At this year’s Annual Meeting, we will be discussing the challenges we overcame with Hurricane Hanna and the February winter storm. We will also be discussing the financial health of the Cooperative and provide an update on some of the priorities we have in place for the upcoming years.
This year, we are hosting our Magic Valley Electric Cooperative Annual Meeting outdoors, at the Rio Grande Valley Livestock Show Grounds. We plan to do things a little differently this year, by hosting a drive-in style meeting; that way we can keep our members safe. It will be a meeting to remember, and we hope you can attend.
We welcome all our members to what will be a memorable event. Magic Valley’s Annual Meeting is one of the few events that presents an opportunity to bring together all our members. So, whether you are a longtime attendee, never attended an annual meeting, or have attended a few, our co-op family welcomes you to be a part of our annual meeting. We will have door prizes, so mark your calendar for June 7, 2021, at 5:00 p.m., at the Rio Grande Valley Livestock Show Grounds, located at 1000 N. Texas Ave., Mercedes, TX 78570.
We strive to create opportunities for growth, improvement, and excellence. Your presence enables us to do our very best for our members and the communities we serve. We look forward to seeing you at this year’s annual meeting.