Several stories in the September magazine feature Web Extras, with additional information and photos available online. Here are links to stories where you’ll find web-exclusive content marked Web Extra.
I Should Have Paid More Attention …
“Too mi inglish tesher.” Sit a spell and see how co-op members look back with some regret at times when their attention waned.
Second to None
Texas Tech’s veterinary school was a long time coming for a state that has more cattle, horses and goats than any other.
Current Events His Way
Adventurer West Hansen stares down the challenge of the Amazon River in Peru during a 2012 quest. Check out Erich Schlegel’s photos.
La Grange’s Tribute
Watch the latest video as Chet visits the Central Texas town that is the final resting place for dozens of daring Texians.
Focus on Texas: Rust and Decay
You might not believe the beauty that emerges from the ravages of time.