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For Electric Cooperative Members
August 2020 Letters

TCP Talk

Letters and comments from our readers

Rare Treat

The last time I saw a horny toad was 15-plus years ago, and that was the first time I had seen one in probably 25 years [The Lizard Brigade, June 2020]. I caught the little guy to show my boys; they had never seen one before. We looked him over. I didn’t want to let him go, but I knew we had to.

Tammie Frenzel, Westphalia | Heart of Texas EC

I grew up playing with these prehistoric lizards just a mile from where I currently live. These fellas are still breeding strong out here.

Alicea Logan-Masters | Via Facebook

Oh, My: No Mi Tierra?

I am aghast you did not include Mi Tierra in the heart of El Mercado [We Brake for Queso, June 2020]. Opened in 1941, sitting 500 patrons at a time and slinging enchiladas 24 hours a day, 365 days a year.

Noble Dunson, Kingsland | Central Texas EC

We don’t want to forget Guadalupe’s Mexican Restaurant in Gladewater. I’ve been eating there for 24 years and have not had one bad meal.

Patricia Martin, Starrville | Cherokee County EC

Dear Dairy

I love the photo on telling us Texas Tech University will have a vet school [More Critter Care, Currents, June 2020]. Texas A&M is a fabulous institution, but they discontinued their dairy science program several years ago. (Your photo showed a Holstein dairy calf.) Texas Tech will, I hope, bring dairy science back to our veterinary programs.

Gabrielle Gordon, Tarrant County | Tri-County EC