Tesla’s Grand Visions
Although your item compares today’s cellphones and internet with Nikola Tesla’s comments of 1926, I feel you missed the point [Currents, Man of Vision, November 2016]. Our current technologies are a pale reflection of his vision.
His vision saw the earth as the medium of information transmission. Most likely he saw it being freely available, as were his early desires with such devices as the Wardenclyffe Tower. We have yet to meet his grand visions.
Robert Ireland | Tyler
Cherokee County EC
On Cloud Nine
After I read the Blue Angels article [Angels and Daredevils, November 2016], I looked up their schedule and found out they will be at Naval Air Station Corpus Christi on April 1. Our 7-year-old would love this show. He makes us eat at our local airport regularly. I hope to get tickets for that show.
Jeanie Muegge | Fayetteville
Fayette EC
Rising Stars
I so enjoyed the article about the linemen [Line of Duty, October 2016]. They truly do have a higher calling. I was wondering if the linemen will hold an autographing session, especially for the gentleman on the front cover. After all, they are celebrities.
Dianne Calame | Mineola
Wood County EC
Line of Duty was a wonderful and informative article. I usually read my Texas Co-op Power cover to cover, but I must admit my first stop is Recipes.
Jessie Fuger | Pipe Creek
Bandera EC
Rural Internet Service
I have experienced rural internet service that is slow to nonexistent to unavailable to ridiculously expensive [Currents, Narrowing of Broadband, September 2016]. Being unhappy with the status quo, I did some research and concluded that a local provider with line-of-sight service was the route to go. I’m in a low-lying area, so I needed to acquire and erect a 50-foot tower for an antenna. Reception has been vastly superior to the DSL that I had disconnected, and it offers plenty of bandwidth.
Ed Dolzel | Perry
Navasota Valley EC