Several stories in the August magazine feature Web Extras, with additional information and photos available online. Here are links to stories where you’ll find web-exclusive content in videos, slideshows with images and sidebars marked Web Extra.
From the Shambles
Find additional photos of the Fulton Guesthouse, which was resurrected from a condemned building in Mason.
Here’s the Beef
Each month in 2019 we feature Retro Recipes, dishes from past issues of the magazine that Food Editor Paula Disbrowe tweaks and updates for current tastes. Check out the original Texas State Fair Chili recipe and the Texas Co-op Power cookbook page that featured it.
Fun in the Past Tense
Chet Garner discovers strange artifacts at the Frontier Times Museum in Bandera. Enjoy his video.
75th Anniversary Timeline: Rural Life
We gathered many more events and milestones than we could fit in the magazine. Do you know where the Texas High School Rodeo Association began? Or when big, round hay bales came into existence? How about the great challenge recently faced by the Ogallala Aquifer? Reap these and other facts in our online timeline.