On a warm fall afternoon, West Hansen glides a sleek, narrow racing canoe beneath a row of towering cypress trees on the San Marcos River.
He dips in a paddle, steers nimbly around a partially submerged log, then rides a riffle of blue-green water over a natural rock spillway as he makes his way from the tiny town of Martindale to the even tinier community of Staples, downstream from San Marcos.
The 6-mile, leisurely cruise takes less than two hours—barely a blip on the odometer for Hansen, 59, an endurance paddler who led an expedition 4,200 miles down the entire Amazon River in 2012 and paddled 2,100 miles down the Volga River in Russia two years later. As he pulls ashore, he tips back his cowboy hat—a trademark piece of attire for the leader of the Arctic Cowboys, who next year plan to become the first paddlers to kayak 1,900 miles through the Northwest Passage in the Arctic Archipelago.

Hansen, right, and a guide navigate Mantaro River rapids in Peru.
Erich Schlegel
“As our world has gotten busier and technology has evolved and we have 24/7 news cycles, it’s nice to get away,” he says.
Hansen, a social worker who helps seniors navigate the ins and outs of health care through his family’s home health care business in Port Arthur, is opinionated and bull-headed, traits that serve him well as an expedition leader. He tucks a notepad and pen in his front pocket, scribbling thoughts wherever he goes. In 2018 he ran unsuccessfully for U.S. Congress in the 25th district of Texas and won’t rule out the possibility of running again.
Hansen started paddling in the early 1980s when he took a whitewater kayaking class at what was then Southwest Texas State University. A few years later, he learned about the Texas Water Safari, a 260-mile paddling race from San Marcos to Seadrift on the Texas coast. Since then he’s finished the event—during which sleep-deprived paddlers navigate rapids, drag their boats over bobbing logjams, endure heat and exhaustion, and dodge alligators—21 times. He is also a four-time winner of a 340-mile paddling race down the swift Missouri River. He endures miseries like chafing, sucking mud, nausea and biting insects, he says, because he enjoys the camaraderie and the escape from modern life.
“In every race, I think about quitting, even the ones I’ve won,” he says. “But I know how bad it’ll feel to pull out.”

Web Extra: West fights rapids during his Amazon expedition in 2012.
Erich Schlegel
Hansen funds his trips through donations and hard work, taking on odd carpentry jobs on weekends and raising money through his nonprofit organization, Worldwide Waterways.
In 2008, Hansen, who lives in Austin with his wife, Lizet, traveled to Iquitos, Peru, for the Great River Amazon Raft Race, where teams use eight 16-foot balsa logs to build a raft and sprint nearly 100 miles. Until that year, competitors lined all their logs side by side to make a wide raft. Hansen’s team instead spliced two rows of logs end to end. They won and set an overall record of 12 hours and 19 minutes.
More importantly, Hansen was hooked.
“The [Amazon] river really is the biggest river on the planet. It’s shocking to see that amount of anything in motion,” he says. “It was just so powerful, and it really moved me.”
On the flight home, one of his race partners lent him Joe Kane’s book, Running the Amazon. “Before I got back to Houston, I had pretty much read the entire thing,” he says. “By the time I landed in Austin, I thought, ‘OK, I can do this. I can paddle the entire Amazon River.’ ”

Hansen paddles down the Mantaro River.
Erich Schlegel
Hansen spent the next few years researching the river and lining up sponsors. He made a scouting trip to Peru in 2011. In 2012 he launched his expedition—the first to paddle the Amazon from a newly determined source high in the Andes Mountains to the sea. His wife and daughter, Isabella, who graduated from Georgetown University last spring, traveled there to watch for a few days.
“It’s very shallow, just a stream [at the start],” he said.
“A lot of times we had to get out and drag our boats. A lot of times we were in whiteout snow conditions.”

Web Extra: Hansen, left, follows John Maika and Rafael Ortiz, who help team member Jeff Wueste, who is suffering from altitude sickness, climb back to base camp through a snowstorm in 2012 shortly after the start of whitewater kayaking out of Laguna Acucocha in Peru.
Erich Schlegel
Hansen wrote a book about the experience, The Amazon From Source to Sea: The Farthest Journey Down the World’s Longest River, which details the 111-day adventure, including the day they spotted a sloth swimming across the river and other days when they saw frolicking pink dolphins. They were held at gunpoint five times, discovered floating bales of marijuana and dodged boulders as big as refrigerators that rained from canyon walls where crews were building a dam.
Longtime friend Jeff Wueste was part of the Amazon team and Hansen’s only partner on the Volga trek. They met in 1992 and have teamed up for the Texas Water Safari several times. Wueste, who will paddle the Northwest Passage with the Arctic Cowboys, describes Hansen as determined and well prepared, someone who does the due diligence needed to accomplish big things.

Hansen makes a satellite phone call after his team’s raft flipped in white water.
Erich Schlegel
“He’s good to the core,” Wueste says. “Ultimately, he’s driven to an end goal. But as many expedition leaders are, they’re as egotistical as they can be. You’re not going to find any wallflowers leading expeditions.”
When the originally planned trip through the Northwest Passage in 2020 was postponed because of the pandemic, Hansen and four others set out to paddle 420 miles up the Texas coast instead.

Hansen cruises the San Marcos River with author Pam LeBlanc.
Erich Schlegel
They started at the state’s sandy tail on South Padre Island and chugged to its refinery-studded tip at the Louisiana border, enduring tent-wrecking storms, campsites covered in enough ooze to host a mud-wrestling competition and swells so big they lost sight of one another. Their fingernails grew soggy and loose, and they labored to find a proper rhythm, but they also paddled alongside pods of dolphins; pitched tents on small barrier islands covered in lush, lime-colored grass; and watched serene sunrises and sunsets.

Web Extra: Hansen and a raft guide move toward a blast of water released from pipes coming out of the mountain in Campo Armiño, Peru. Water from the Rio Mantaro is piped about 12.5 miles down through the mountains from Tablachaca Dam to Campo Armiño as part of a hydroelectric generating station.
Erich Schlegel
When they finally pulled their 18-foot Epic sea kayaks ashore at Walter Umphrey State Park in Port Arthur, Hansen announced: “Well, that’s done.”
Underwater explorer and filmmaker Nancy McGee, who knows Hansen through the Explorers Club, a global organization whose members include astronauts, mountain climbers and aviators, describes him as the epitome of the 21st-century explorer.
“His goals are the stuff of dreams,” she says, adding that he “has helped create a deeper understanding of the cultures he has encountered and the physical geography he has mastered.”
For Hansen, who is already working on a second book, which will detail a history of Amazon expeditions, those accomplishments are only part of the motivation to explore.
“I love to be far away from everybody and the stimulus that’s constantly coming at us,” Hansen says. “I like doing things that haven’t been done before, and that list is getting smaller and smaller.”