Earth Day is considered one of the world’s largest civic events, and on April 22 we can all be part of this global movement to help the environment.
A portion of the energy that Medina Electric Cooperative distributes to our members comes from renewable energy sources, and conservation is important to us. There are many ways we as individuals can help the environment, and some are easier than you’d think. Here are a few simple actions you can take now to reduce your energy use.
Audit your lightbulbs. Swapping out any remaining incandescent bulbs with LEDs can make a big difference in your home’s efficiency, and it’s one of the easiest ways to reduce your energy bill.
Maintain your heating and air conditioning system. Regularly replace your air filters to allow your system to run more efficiently. Air filters prevent dust and allergens from clogging the system, and changing the filters makes the unit run more efficiently—keeping your home cooler in the summer and warmer in the winter.
Examine your smart or programmable thermostat. Make sure it’s programmed for the current season and family schedule. This is one of the best tools at your fingertips, but it can only do its job correctly if it’s programmed properly and adjusted periodically to keep pace with changes in household routines.
Seal windows and doors. Seal leaks with weatherstripping and caulk to keep cool air indoors during warm months and prevent cold air from penetrating the indoors during colder months. Sealing gaps around piping, dryer vents, fans and outlets also helps to seal the building’s envelope and increase energy efficiency.
Although these suggestions may not be glamorous or worthy of a news story, they do make a difference. And Medina EC is always here to help if you want more information on how you can save energy. For more energy-saving tips, visit
As we celebrate Earth Day this April, let’s continue to work together and make a positive impact on our local community—and our beautiful planet.