Extreme environments, animal behaviors and weather are to be expected, and Texans rise to meet any challenge.

Jessica Ramos, South Plains EC: “A sunny, warm day takes an extreme turn filled with hail and rain.”

Jennifer Carmack, Heart of Texas EC: Carmack’s son Cyress took this photo of a large thunderhead on the horizon.

Tommie Calfee, Pedernales EC: A winter scene on Onion Creek.

Web Extra: Kenneth Stapleton, PenTex Energy: The Blue Angels at the Fort Worth Alliance Air Show.

Web Extra: Patricia Stehling, Central Texas EC: Hill Country cactus.

Web Extra: Sonia Hayes, Jasper-Newton EC: An electric sky as a storm rolls in on an East Texas ranch.

Web Extra: Paula Walker, Lamar Electric: “We left our tractor parked just a little too long one early spring and were not able to start it. When we popped the hood, we found that some extremely busy furry little friend thought this would be a great place to stash its acorns.”

Web Extra: Matt Williams, Fort Belknap EC: Early morning frost on a spiderweb between barbed wire strands.

Web Extra: Sabra Nickels, Central Texas EC: Watching over Texas from the south rim at Big Bend National Park.

Web Extra: Alida Lash, Pedernales EC: “Trying to survive.”

Web Extra: Ivan McKee, Bluebonnet EC: Monahans Sandhills State Park.

Web Extra: Peggy Sharp, Heart of Texas EC: Palo Duro Canyon in the spring.

Web Extra: Janice Crouch, Fort Belknap EC: Grandchildren pulled behind a four-wheeler in Newcastle.