From the somber to the spectacular, we Texans have a lot of history under our boots. Photographs give us a look into the lives of our forebears like no other medium, and what a story they continue to tell today!

David Whittle, Deep East Texas EC: San Felipe United Methodist Church in San Felipe.

Sherri Jeffery, Grayson-Collin EC: “Before huge signs and banners, companies painted their logos on their buildings.”

Christena Stephens, Lyntegar EC: The chapel at the World War II prisoner-of-war camp near Hereford.

Web Extra: Patricia Rapacki, MidSouth EC: Mission Espada at San Antonio Missions National Historical Park.

Web Extra: Kim Jung, Central Texas EC: “My mom, Alice Kunz Grinke, her dad, aunt and uncle stop for a quick photo before heading to the creek to catch supper. I’m guessing Mom was backup for squirrel or rabbit in case the fishing wasn’t so great.”

Web Extra: Patsi Tindel, Lamar Electric: Smith’s Feed and Seed in Honey Grove was built in 1883. The building was in use until 2019, when the longtime owner retired.

Web Extra: Penny Acker, Nueces EC: Four brothers and one sister, in order by age. The man in the center is Acker’s grandfather, born in 1906 and raised in the Harris County area.

Web Extra: Abby Gibson, Pedernales EC: One of the painted churches in Schulenburg.

Web Extra: Steve Coyle, Pedernales EC: “A nighttime shot of the famous Hotel El Capitan in Van Horn. We stayed here on our way home from a trip to New Mexico.”

Web Extra: Mark Holly, Bandera EC: St. John Lutheran Church in Crabapple, near Fredericksburg, was completed in 1897 and housed worship services until 1962.

Web Extra: Linda McKenzie, Taylor EC: “Old building I photographed in Stamford.”

Web Extra: Jeremiah Terry, Bandera EC: The tower at Comanche Lookout Park in San Antonio.

Web Extra: Kay Bell, Nueces EC: German American great-grandparents in Medina County.

Web Extra: Mike Downey, Bryan Texas Utilities: “Jean and Sherwood Downey are posing in late December 1952, but in 10 months I would be born.”