“Nature’s first green is gold,
Her hardest hue to hold.
Her early leaf’s a flower;
But only so an hour.”
—From Nothing Gold Can Stay by Robert Frost

Jazzmin Aguayo, Pedernales EC: “A Portuguese man-of-war on the shore of Port Aransas provides a vibrant display of brilliant color.”

Mike Zarella, Pedernales EC: This male painted bunting stopped for a drink at the bird blind water feature at Pedernales Falls State Park.

Gary Imm, Sam Houston EC: This emission nebula, as seen from the shores of Lake Livingston through a large telescope, is called the Cat’s Paw Nebula.

Jazzmin Aguayo, Pedernales EC: “A peacock proudly shows off his feathery iridescence at the Austin Zoo.”

Peggy McCall, Central Texas EC: A spoonbill in Beaumont during migration.

Claire Furman, Bluebonnet EC: “A delicate vine in Palmetto State Park climbing ever onward gives a beautiful visual of the changing of the seasons.”

Ingo Sorke, United Cooperative Services: Sunset over Joshua: “I wished I could have hit the pause button.”

Lisa Corker, Fayette EC: Big Bend National Park.

Peggy McCall, Central Texas EC: “Our beautiful fall asters and lantana attract more colorful butterflies.”

Peggy McCall, Central Texas EC: A green anole tries to blend in.

Lisa Corker, Fayette EC: “A tiger swallowtail enjoying the mountain laurel in our front yard in La Grange.”

Sheila Davis, Grayson-Collin EC: “Beautiful sunset over a marina on Lake Texoma.”

Scott Gipson, United Cooperative Services: “A flowering kingcup cactus after a rain shower in Chalk Mountain near Glen Rose.”

Mark Garton, Bryan Texas Utilities: “The Brazos Valley always has its share of wildflower patches every spring. Highway 47 always seems to have some nice flower spots.”

John Hobbs, Bryan Texas Utilities: “Cactus apples and blossoms off FM 112 outside Taylor.”