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Hacks To Beat the Summer Heat

Don’t let the heat get you down

As summer temperatures stay hot, there’s no need to let the heat get you down. There are several ways you can keep cool this summer—without wreaking havoc on your home’s air conditioner. Use these simple life hacks to beat the summer heat.

Make aloe vera cubes. Whether you’re nursing a sunburn or just wanting to cool off, aloe vera cubes can offer some relief. Simply fill an ice tray with aloe vera gel, freeze it, then place the cubes on your body’s pulse points, like the neck and wrists, for a quick cooling sensation.

Try a cooling pillow. If you’re willing to spend a little, a cooling pillow can help you feel more comfortable on those muggy summer nights. These typically run $20–$180.

Just add mint. Menthol makes our bodies feel cool, so by adding spearmint essential oil to products like body wash and lotion, you can get an instant cooling effect. Essential oils can be purchased at most drugstores or online.

Spend a few bucks on a handheld fan mister. Sure, you may feel a little silly carrying around a tiny fan, but you’ll be more comfortable than everyone else—and they’ll probably ask to borrow it. You can typically find these at big-box stores or online.

Here are some additional ways to keep you and your home cool this summer:

  • Close blinds and curtains during the day, and open them during the evening when temperatures are cooler.
  • Use ceiling fans to stay comfortable indoors. But remember, fans cool people, not rooms, so turn them off when you leave the room.
  • Only use appliances that put out heat, like clothes dryers and dishwashers, during the evening, to minimize indoor heat during the day, when temperatures are higher.