“If you had a chance to sit down with a legislator (either at the state or federal level), what questions would you ask them and why?” That’s the essay topic that our 2018 Youth Tour winners had to answer to be considered for the Government-in-Action Youth Tour trip. Next month during the trip, they will actually get a chance to sit down with congressmen and ask some of those questions.
Each year, Medina EC sponsors three students to attend the trip-of-a-lifetime! Our 2018 Youth Tour winners are Evie Gonzalez of Bruni, Jett Henefey of D’Hanis and Rylee Ohlhausen of Hondo. They’ll each go on an all-expenses-paid trip to Austin and Washington, D.C., and receive a $1,000 college scholarship.
Logan Arnett of D’Hanis will join the winners on the trip after being privately sponsored by Medina EC member Cody Santos. Mr. Santos had seen information on the Youth Tour contest and was interested in helping. Since he grew up in D’Hanis, he wanted to sponsor an applicant from that area and thanks to his generosity, Arnett was selected.
The co-op is committed to supporting our youth and providing educational opportunities, in part because of Cooperative Principle 5—Education, Training and Information. We are excited to send these eager students to learn more about the cooperative business model and U.S. history.
Gonzalez, Henefey, Ohlhausen and Arnett will join more than 1,500 others from across the country—148 from Texas alone. They will visit monuments, memorials and museums, see a performance at the Kennedy Center, go on a river boat cruise, and much more.
The Youth Tour has a long record of educating young people about our government. Then-Senator Lyndon Baines Johnson inspired the trip when he addressed the National Rural Electric Cooperative Association Annual Meeting in Chicago in 1957. He declared, “If one thing goes out of this meeting, it will be sending youngsters to the national capital where they can actually see what the flag stands for and represents.”
Since then, more than 50,000 students from across America have participated in this educational program. Medina EC has sent 33 students on the trip since 2007. Medina EC strongly supports the program and is fully dedicated to giving younger generations the opportunity to learn about our history and government in a hands-on, dynamic environment. More information about Medina EC’s Youth Tour participation can be found at MedinaEC.org/YouthTour.
”If you had a chance to sit down with a legislator (either at the state or federal level), what questions would you ask them and why?”
Evie Gonzalez (Bruni)
Discussing issues with a lawmaker would be a great opportunity to address issues that we are concerned about. The first question I would ask is, “Why doesn’t the government increase funding for education?”. … The next question I would ask a legislator is, “What is the government doing to improve gun control?” … The last question I would ask a legislator is, “Why is the government regulating the internet?”
Jett Henefy (D’Hanis)
If I had a chance to sit down with my federal legislators, I would want to ask them questions about issues that may affect me. … I would ask our federal legislators, “What is being done to ensure the United States does not fully withdraw from NAFTA?” … Another issue that affects me is the rising cost of college tuition. … So I would ask my state legislators, “What is being done to stop the rise of college tuition and make attending college more affordable?”
Rylee Ohlhausen (Hondo)
Issues I feel that are relevant to address at this time, thereby effecting my future and the future of the United States of America are: Agriculture, Energy, and Health Care. … My question[s]… “How are you and other representatives promoting, protecting, and strengthening family farms?” … “Can you elaborate on what policies you would support to keep the United States energy independent and affordable?” … “What steps are you taking right now to ensure a common sense approach to solving our Health Care crisis?”
Logan Arnett (D’Hanis) – Privately Sponsored
It would be a great honor to be able to sit down and speak with any of the state legislators. If this would be possible, I would ask him or her 2 questions about today’s society. The first would be about the monitoring of individuals with state auto insurance and the second would be drug testing for welfare.