“My favorite word is animo. It represents spirit, commitment, dedication, desire and heart,” says Carlos X. Guerra. “I like to surround myself with people who think with their hearts and are pro-growth.” People much like him.
Guerra, who named La Muñeca Cattle Company after the brand his great-grandmother registered in 1873, is a well-known and respected breeder of Simbrah and polled Brahman cattle.
When he says, “My co-op powers me,” it’s no joke. The 4,000-acre La Muñeca and San Antonia Ranches have more than 20 power meters. “The older I get, the more I realize the power in cooperating, whether sharing ideas, helping educate our youth, marketing your product, or buying electricity.”
Role models of community involvement, Carlos Guerra and his wife Sister have helped raise millions for scholarships through events they support or helped start: the LSMCIC Ranch Gala, the Victor A. Guerra Memorial Scholarship, the STAR GALA, Hidalgo County 4-H Foundation, the Brahman Foundation and others. More than 1,000 teens participating in 4-H, FFA, and Edinburg Boys and Girls Clubs, and Simbrah and Brahman organizations have been awarded scholarships. Encouraging other families to set up scholarships naturally follows.
In fact, every high school senior from the San Isidro and Brewster communities near La Muñeca Ranch who applies and interviews for a scholarship receives one. “Many kids from this area walk into the interview without goals, not knowing someone is willing to help them get started,” Guerra says.
From those who are blessed, much is expected, the Guerras believe. Their spirt of commitment, volunteerism and cooperation comes from the deep in their hearts.