Chance 1: Register your account on SmartHub.
Sign up at or download the app and register your account there. SmartHub allows you to report outages with one click, view past electric use and see your use before you get your monthly bill.
Chance 2: Sign up for automated payments.
Have your bill automatically charged to your credit or debit card or bank account each month. Set it up online through SmartHub or by calling 1-866-MEC-ELEC (632-3532).
Chance 3: Choose paperless billing.
Opt out of receiving a paper bill every month and have your bill emailed to you instead. Change your account settings in SmartHub or call us at 1-866-MEC-ELEC (632-3532) and staff will change it for you.
Chance 4: Join Operation Round Up.
Sign up your account for Operation Round Up and have your monthly electric bill rounded up to the next whole dollar. That spare change is used to make donations to community members and families in need. Sign up at or by calling 1-866-MEC-ELEC (632-3532).
Chance 5: BONUS drawing for all four programs!
If you are signed up for all four programs, you will be entered into an additional drawing for a $100 bill credit.
All members signed up for each of the programs above as of 5 p.m. on November 1 will be entered. This includes members who are already signed up for these options and any new sign-ups between now and November 1.
There will be five separate drawings, and five $100 bill credits will be awarded and automatically issued as bill credits.
Winners in each category will be randomly selected and announced in the December issue of Texas Co-op Power.