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For Electric Cooperative Members
Medina EC News

Members to Receive Outage Alerts by Text Message

Medina EC keeps members connected

Medina Electric Cooperative is making enhancements to our service that will greatly improve your experience with us. Starting late February, members who have a mobile number on their account will receive text messages notifying them when their meter is out of power and when power is restored.

We understand that power outages can be inconvenient, and we are committed to making your experience smoother and more informed through timely notifications.

Key Points

Notification Details:

Members registered with a SmartHub account and who have a valid mobile number listed will receive outage alerts.

Notifications will be sent when your meter is out of power and when power is restored.

Activation Date:

The feature is set to go live between February 27 and 29.

A welcome message will introduce the feature prior to any applicable outage notifications.

Opt-Out Option:

At any time, members not wishing to receive text notifications can reply STOP to 1-833-649-0801.

This will add that mobile number to the block list, preventing further text messages.

Members can also contact us by phone, email or chat to be added to the block list.

Please note, by opting out, you’re adding your number to the block list and will no longer receive any text notifications from Medina EC. To reenroll, you must contact the cooperative.


Q: What are outage alerts?
A: Outage alerts notify you when your meter is out of power and when power is restored.

Q: When will I receive an outage alert?
A: Members with mobile numbers on their account will receive a text message when the meter is out of power or when power is restored.

Q: I received a message that my power is restored, but it’s still out.
A: Please report your outage again. That helps crews know that you have an individual outage and that the work they did on the other portion of the line feeding your location did not restore your power like they thought it would.

Q: Are outage alerts only available by text message?
A: You can also receive mobile push notifications and email alerts if you are registered for SmartHub. Adjust your settings on SmartHub under Settings > Manage Notifications > Service.

Q: What phone number will outage alerts come from?
A: Text alerts will come from: 1-833-649-0801.

Q: Why are you enabling this feature?
A: Member feedback and research surveys have shown a desire for more timely notifications during power outages.

Q: Can I add more numbers?
A: Yes, you can add more numbers through SmartHub under Settings > Contact Methods. Verify and manage notifications in Settings > Manage Notifications.

Q: I do not have SmartHub. Can I get notifications?
A: At this time, only members registered with SmartHub will receive these notifications.

We hope this enhancement brings added convenience and peace of mind. To learn more about this improved feature, visit