With the flip of a calendar and the stroke of a clock, a new year is here. The fresh start is a prime opportunity to reflect and assess—to take stock of the year that’s just wrapped up and consider changes for 2022.
Perhaps you have an annual ritual, as I do, of building on those reflections by setting a resolution or two. Some of my mainstays include reminding myself to practice gratitude and express empathy, spend more time with the people I love, and of course, eat more healthy fruits and vegetables.
In addition to improving the quality of your life and your health, resolutions can help you make the most of your membership with Trinity Valley Electric Cooperative. Here are a few to consider.
Attend the annual meeting. In person or not, this is one of the best ways to learn about important co-op news and updates and offers an uncommon opportunity to connect with your neighbors who staff the co-op. They’re community members just like you.
Vote. Our director election comes at the same time as the annual meeting. Take a look at your September Texas Co-op Power and exercise your Democratic Member Control, one of the Seven Cooperative Principles, by voting to elect directors. Since our board guides the co-op’s development, your participation in the election affects the plans and trajectory of the organization.
Contribute to Operation Round Up. Of all the ways TVEC seeks to support the community, Operation Round Up is especially close to my heart because it comes from the generosity and compassion of our members. Those who round up their bills to the next dollar provide meaningful support to food banks, fire departments and community members in need.
Maybe you’re already doing some of these things, or maybe you’ve thought about them and said to yourself, “I should do that,” then went on about your daily routine, as we often do. Best-laid plans, as they say. But there’s no better time than the beginning of the year to turn over a new leaf.
You might find branching out and engaging with your co-op more fulfilling than you anticipated—a small way to make your 2022 a little happier and healthier.