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Finish This Sentence

Snakes Are …

Here are the many ways readers finished this sentence

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James Klein, Farmers EC | East Tawakoni

Frightfully fascinating.
Tammy Templin, Pedernales EC | Austin

Nope ropes.
Susan Allen Littlefield | Via Facebook

Better seen than felt.
Lori Gustavsson, Hamilton County EC | Goldthwaite

Lovely to look at, tempting to hold, but if you are bitten, you might not grow old.
Nolan Green, Cherokee County EC | Jacksonville

Creepy, but cool. Most of them.
Lynne Tuttle Phillips | Via Facebook

Good for something—I think.
Steve Bailey, PenTex Energy | Gainesville

Janet Couch | Via Facebook

Not all scary and venomous. But when you’re walking your granddog home in the dark and an 8-foot rattler wants to say hello—scary!
Kathy O’Nan, GVEC | Seguin

Cool and good rodent control.
Marcia Herald | Via Facebook

A service that pest control companies cannot provide—for free.
Sandra Valderaz, Pedernales EC | Leander

A part of Texas.
Peggy Fogle | Via Facebook

Great. Some are very beneficial. It just doesn’t take me long to look at one.
Cat Crisp, CoServ | Rhome

Cursed because of the incident in the Garden of Eden.
Betty J. Kanipe | Via Facebook

Not on my menu.
Paul Page, Jasper-Newton EC | Kirbyville

Unnerving but necessary to the ecology.
Marcyl Howell | Via Facebook

Very dangerous to your health.
Nancy Pace, Heart of Texas EC | Cameron

“Banned from all animals … to crawl on their bellies and eat dirt” (Genesis 3:14). Despicable!
Loretta Bedford, Deep East Texas EC | San Augustine

Out of place in my garage.
Fonda Quinn, Farmers EC | Fate

Adrenaline producers when noticed.
Rick Bottorff | Via Facebook

Mostly good, but they’re still hard to tolerate.
Jim White, Central Texas EC | Fredericksburg

Creepy. Hate ’em.
Marie Samuels | Via Facebook

Amazing. Beautiful. Incredible. Helpful. Necessary.
Susie Baker, Wood County EC | Winnsboro

Cold-blooded eating machines.
Larry Grant | Via Facebook

The devil’s advocates in the reptile world.
Brenda Hinz, Cherokee County EC | Whitehouse

Jeanmarie Pestlen | Via Facebook

The only thing that will make me pee my pants.
Karen Jackson, Trinity Valley EC | Forney

Falling down on the job if they are supposed to be so good at rodent control.
Louis Schmidt | Via Facebook

A heart attack waiting to happen.
Charlotte Larson, Grayson-Collin EC | Celina

Like people: some good, some bad.
Steve Yates, Pedernales EC | Wimberley

The lowest of God’s creatures and are very, very scary to me.
Cathy Martel, Sam Houston EC | Livingston

No. Just no.
Cathy Humble, Concho Valley EC | San Angelo

In need of a better public relations manager.
Gilbert L. Blount, Pedernales EC | Horseshoe Bay

One of God’s beautiful creatures who deserve to live a life without being harmed or feared.
Anita Patel, South Plains EC | Lubbock

Preferable Thanksgiving guests than my family.
Christopher Perdue, Pedernales EC | Cedar Park

An evil presence in our world, and all poisonous ones need to be dispatched immediately.
Danny Phillips, Deep East Texas EC | Garrison

Incredibly beautiful reptiles.
Debbie McKenzie, Bryan Texas Utilities | Bryan

Hugely, like enormously, misunderstood. Tremendously beneficial.
Dan Keesee, Bartlett EC | Salado

A necessary evil.
Frank George, Jasper-Newton EC | Kirbyville

Dead when I see one.
Jon Scott Anderwald | Via Facebook

Vital members of the Hill Country ecosystem whether we humans like them or not.
Debbie Finney Lee, Central Texas EC | Sisterdale

A necessary evil. Long live the king snake.
Benny Calvit, Bowie-Cass EC | De Kalb

Beautiful and beneficial, we just need to give them their space.
Kate Owen, Sam Houston EC | Coldspring

Not fun to get out of toilets.
Holly and Rob Saffell, Pedernales EC | Georgetown

As bad as picking cotton from the boll at age 8 years old with your mom, dad and family. If you’re not careful, you’ll get pricked.
Ricky Ray Williamson, South Plains EC | Lubbock

Beautiful, endlessly fascinating to observe, critical to a healthy environment, a reminder of how wonderful “wild” Texas can be.
Donald H. Miller, Bluebonnet EC | Burton

Fun to hold—if they aren’t poisonous.
Janet Legler Luft, Pedernales EC | Austin

Great to eat, especially rattlesnakes.
Mike Trammell, Bluebonnet EC | Smithville

Scary, mysterious, fascinating and beautiful all in one length.
Donna Hinton, San Bernard EC | Fields Store

Scary, but we need them to get rid of the other scary—rats.
Sandra Gonzalez, San Patricio EC | Taft

Delicious when fried.
Joe Freeman, South Plains EC | Lubbock

Very cool looking, but the ones with poison are scary.
Diana Demski, Medina EC | Castroville

Scaly tadpoles who bite people.
Ryder Brooking (age 11), Pedernales EC | Austin

Good and bad.
Gary Galloway, Tri-County EC | Weatherford

Part of nature. Embrace them.
Evy Gillum, Pedernales EC | New Braunfels

Able to make you hurt yourself.
Jean Altman, HILCO EC | Aquilla

Not in Ireland anymore.
Angie Burkes Kissire | Via Facebook

Misunderstood creatures.
Darlene Cranston, Nueces EC | Ingleside

Beautiful and useful. Instead of killing them just move them to another part of your property or take them into the woods.
Melissa Bishop, San Bernard EC | Bellville

Annoying. Especially the venomous ones. I look out for them all the time.
Eddie T. Rendon, Victoria EC | Inez

The reason I can’t live my dream of moving to the country.
Cassie House Schneider, GVEC | Cibolo

Very beneficial to our planet. The only exception are the ones not native to our area.
Conn Eastwood, Magic Valley EC | San Juan

Not your enemy unless you provoke them.
Kathleen Gordon, United Cooperative Services | Cleburne

Afraid of us.
Tammy Belinski, Bryan Texas Utilities | Bryan

Mesmerizing. They absolutely fascinate me. Anything that can move that quickly and quietly without legs or arms is just really cool to me.
Donna Davis | Via Facebook

Helpful garden friends. Leave them alone and they’ll pretty much leave you alone.
Teresa Brantley, Navarro County EC | Kerens

Out there.
Doris Hunnicutt, Bluebonnet EC | Lockhart

Good at making you soil your new undies.
Steve Huckaby, Navarro County EC | Purdon

Here for a reason.
Ted Pasche, CoServ | Argyle

Important to our ecosystem and not odorless.
Jo Ann Manning, Wise EC | Chico

Dangerous. They make you hurt yourself.
Kerry Koneman, Navasota Valley EC | Buffalo

Gorgeous mysterious creatures of the earth.
Vicki Marottaswanson, Fayette EC | Round Top

Worthy of our cringe and our respect.
Natalie Shubrook, MidSouth EC | Montgomery

Said to taste just like chicken. Maybe, but you know good and well at least 10% of the thing is going to taste just like snake.
Dan Phillips, Pedernales EC | Georgetown