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TCP Talk

Letters and comments from our readers

Hardin’s Hard Time

Does anyone else think that’s carrying a grudge a little far [Afterlife Sentence, January 2023]? Really?

Lorena Boren, Bailey County EC


According to the late El Paso historian Leon Metz, John Wesley Hardin’s father was a Methodist minister named James Hardin and moved from Virginia to Tennessee to Texas.

Perhaps I am related to John. My great-grandfather was a Methodist minister named James Hardin and moved from Virginia to Tennessee to Texas. I wish to make three things clear: I do not own a gun; I am not a lawyer; and I want to believe that I am not a sociopath.

Vincent C. Kemendo, Pedernales EC | Canyon Lake


Fun nighttime illustration of mama possum hanging by her tail from a tree, babies on her back, person in house with flashlight in background

Kirsten Ulve

Welcoming an Opossum

I have always loved nature and try to read, read, read [Oh! Possum!, January 2023]. You gave me a wonder person, Martha Deeringer, who introduced me to an opossum. What a wonder that couple is, taking such care of this animal. She describes it in such fun ways.

Brenna Quebbemann, CECA | Comanche


I, too, have an opossum for a pet—one of God’s gentle creatures that unfortunately was given a very short life span. Ours is named Jones, and he travels with us when we visit state parks and other places in Texas. We rescued Jones from a county road where his momma met her fate. Thank you for letting readers know that North America’s only marsupial is actually a pretty cool critter.

Rick Martin, Coleman County EC | Santa Anna


Beloved Steeds

Thoroughbreds can do anything [Stable Futures, January 2023]. I’ve had 50 years working with them. I love them.

Nancy Keim | Via Facebook


Here’s My Beef

I cannot imagine, fathom or conceive how anyone could willfully put raw ground beef into their mouths [A Raw Deal, December 2022]. It just needed to be said, and if I ever get to that town, well, surely there is a restaurant with cooked hamburger.

Martha Beimer, Coleman County EC | Ballinger