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For Electric Cooperative Members
For Electric Cooperative Members
December 2016 Letters

TCP Talk

Letters and comments from our readers

Melissa Skorpil

Unsung Heroes

I have, for years, been a member of one co-op or another, and I have nothing but the highest admiration for the linemen.

We have suffered through many storms living in Port Lavaca, and it seems that the linemen who get the power back on are always on duty. I have seen them out climbing poles to work on transformers when the lightning was still flashing and the rain still pouring.

Thank you, thank you, thank you—for these brave people and the wonderful work they do.

Joyce D. Schaefer | Port Lavaca
Pedernales, Victoria and Karnes ECs

The October issue was a truly great read. As an avid birder, I loved the short story of our lineman taking care of the owl that was stuck in the wire [Currents, A Favor for a Feathered Friend, October 2016]. Also noted was the fact that linemen always attempt such rescues.

Second, the article describing the work of the linemen was outstanding. These men are our unsung heroes! They are brave and unselfish. Keep up the good work.

Judy Morgan | Fredericksburg
Central Texas EC

Spreading Barn Quilts

Inspired by the barn quilts in my home state of Wisconsin and those we saw in Bonham and in Honey Grove, my friend, Anne Marie Bonzo, and I painted four for our community center [A New Trail in Texas, October 2016]. We’re working on a fifth for Weston’s old post office. We hope they spread.

Patti Harrington | Mayor of Weston
Grayson-Collin EC

My husband and I especially enjoyed A New Trail in Texas. A friend had told us about barn quilts, and, because I am learning to quilt, we decided to try one. We live in Central Texas and haven’t seen many here yet, but we hope it catches on.

Diana Reeves | Blanco
Pedernales EC

XERF Blasting to Ohio

Border Radio [March 2016] was first-rate, which is common for your magazine. As a teenager in rural, early-1960s Ohio, I would tune in to 250,000-watt XERF hailing from Del Rio late at night, loud and clear.

Darryl V. Holcomb | De Kalb
Bowie-Cass EC

Powered by Bandera

I was born and raised on our ranch in the hills of Bandera. Until I was 17, we had no electricity, only oil lamps, and no running water, only spring water. We moved into a new house in 1948, and that’s when we first got electricity, with lights, electric stove, running water and radio.

All these years later, I still love my Bandera home with the same Bandera Electric Cooperative electricity.

Bettye Jeane Moore | San Antonio
Bandera EC