Readers have long told us they feel that Texas Co-op Power is their magazine because it is filled with stories they care about—stories about Texans, food, travel, history, destinations and topical issues, all in a package designed to help make our vast state feel more like one big community.
Today, the staff of Texas Co-op Power magazine is adding some spice to the mix—a new and improved website.
We trust you will find quick access to familiar content you’ve come to expect, plus tools and resources designed to make busy lives a little more manageable.
Explore these new and improved features:
- Archived recipes: Readers tell us that our home-cooking recipes are one of their favorite features, and now you can easily search archived recipes by keyword, category and ingredient.
- Home energy efficiency tips and tools: Check out the new Energy section for dozens of stories and tools to help you improve the efficiency and safety of your home.
- New search: All stories back to the fall of 2007 are now easily searchable by keyword, and the entire contents of all magazines through 2004 are found online in PDF format.
- Submit & Share: You will find new features available only online, such as tools to make it easier to share content with your friends and relatives on social networking sites such as Facebook, save your favorite recipes and enter a photo or recipe contest.
- Free e-mail newsletter: Set up your own online account and sign up for our free monthly e-mail newsletter to get a heads-up on updates and our newest contests.
We’re not just pretty (or hot, if you prefer) either. But we hope we’re a website with common sense. We took great pains to design a site that is logical and orderly, all to make it easier than ever for you to find what you are looking for, to interact with us and to participate in a lively and useful online community. This is where you come in.
As you explore the site, our hope is you begin to think of this as your website. Here’s betting you’ll find so much useful information and tools you’ll want to come back whenever you get a chance.
And as always, we want to hear from you! If you have a comment on the new site, just drop a line in the comment box at the bottom of this story (you’ll need to register, but we promise it’s painless). Or fire off an e-mail to [email protected].
Now, pass the four-alarm chili.