Keeping up with technology is a never ending process, but Trinity Valley Electric Cooperative has added a number of programs to keep members informed about energy use on a daily basis. In some cases, members have been able to find problematic appliances, malfunctioning air conditioners and even safety issues by catching a spike in energy usage.
TVEC.NET Member Service Portal
Manage member account details, update contact information, set usage alerts, see usage graphs and pay bills easily from your computer.
My TVEC Smartphone App
Available for Android and Apple IOS devices, the My TVEC app contains most of the Member Service Portal functions listed above.
Energy Alerts
Get daily energy usage alerts by email or text. Alerts let you know how much energy you have consumed each day. Alerts also may be set so that you receive them only if your usage exceeds a specific dollar amount you set.
Home Energy Audits
Our energy management experts have the tools to determine what uses the most energy in your home, as well as the training and knowledge to outline the most effective steps you can take to maximize the efficiency of your home.
Meter Tests
Every TVEC member is entitled to a free meter test if there is any question about their meter’s accuracy. TVEC billing calculated using a simple formula based on energy use, so accurate meters are important for all of us.
Social Media and TVEC.NET
TVEC uses social media and the website as an efficient way to communicate current information during outage and storm situations, co-op news and other useful information.