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For Electric Cooperative Members
Big Country EC News

Working Together To Slow the Spread of COVID-19

Big Country EC works to serve members during difficult times

Concern for our communities drives everything we do at Big Country Electric Cooperative. That’s why we are continuing to take every precaution in the fight against COVID-19—to protect our consumer-members and employees, who are critical to keeping the lights on.

We are grateful for your understanding, patience and words of support since we made the difficult decision in March to close our lobby to in-person transactions. The pandemic also necessitated that we cancel the Big Country EC annual meeting that was scheduled for April. Both of these decisions were based on guidance from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.

Future decisions about our operations and the annual meeting will be communicated to members in upcoming issues of Texas Co-op Power and in Membergram.

But we’re still here, and we’re still ready to take your phone calls and messages—to help however we can.

As always, you can pay your bill on, by mail or by calling (325) 776-2244. And if you’re struggling to pay, please let us know.

This public health crisis has taken a toll on all of us, but Big Country EC is here, working hard for you just as we have been for decades. We continue to monitor the situation and work closely with local leaders to ensure the future of our communities remains bright.