Want to be part of the solution rather than the problem when it comes to being a good steward of Earth? Consider these suggestions:
1. Throw less away. Reuse it in your own household, recycle it through your community waste pickup or dump, or donate it if it still has life left. Another approach is to collect fewer disposable items in the first place.
2. Use less water. That saves not just water but also energy if the water you conserve would have been heated. Shorter showers, using cold water for washing clothes, and running the dishwasher only when it’s full are a few ideas.
3. If you still have incandescent lightbulbs lingering around your home, switch them out for LED bulbs or fixtures. These lightbulbs’ technology makes them far more efficient than the old ones, and they last much longer.
4. Buy energy-efficient electronics and appliances when it’s time to replace your old ones. Look for the Energy Star label to ensure you’re getting a product that meets efficiency standards.
5. Turn off and unplug electric devices when you’re finished using them for the day.