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Plant Your Trees and Shrubs This Fall

Planning ahead for successful landscaping

The dog days of summer are behind us. By now, you’ve hopefully updated your irrigation schedule to reflect cooler temperatures and are looking to tackle some fall outdoor projects. Now is the perfect time to add trees and shrubs to landscaping.

Spring vs. Fall Planting

Planting trees, shrubs and heat-sensitive plants in the fall allows time for roots to establish during Texas’ mild winters. Transplanting in the spring is possible; however, plants are more likely to experience stress and require frequent deep watering to persevere during hot summer months.

Do Your Research

Before grabbing your keys and heading to the local nursery, take time to research which plants flourish in our geographic area. Factors like shade requirements, soil types and pH levels can determine whether a species thrives or survives in your planned location. Additional considerations must be made for fruit trees, which may require a nearby mate to cross-pollinate and bear fruit.


Think Ahead

Confirm mature sizing before grabbing the shovel. Never plant trees under or near power lines. Remember, MidSouth Electric Cooperative requires a 10-foot right-of-way around electrical equipment. Vegetation impeding these areas may cause safety and reliability issues. Avoid this situation entirely by planning for future growth.

Need Additional Resources?

Consult your local arborist, extension agent, Master Gardener club or trusted nursery. If you have questions regarding right-of-ways, contact MidSouth EC at (936) 825-5100.

And don’t forget—call 811 to determine exact underground utility locations before you dig!