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Don’t Let Winter Bills Get You Heated

Use these tips to keep your bills low this winter

When temperatures fall, electric use rises—and bills are generally higher as a result. Even if nothing has changed inside your home or business, your home has to use more electricity to maintain the temperature inside when it gets colder outside. Here are some tips to help you save electricity and money when winter weather moves into South Texas.

Temperature. Keep your heater set at 68 degrees Fahrenheit when you are home and awake (or lower if possible). Reduce the temperature when you are sleeping or gone.

Thermostat. Invest in a programmable thermostat, which will help you easily manage your settings for specific hours, like when you’re away or asleep. Learn about the rebate available for members at

Monitor. Medina EC offers SmartHub, a useful tool for members that contains helpful weather data and allows you to compare electric use for different years.

Natural. Use the heat from the sun by opening curtains during the day to allow sunlight to aid in natural heating. Be sure to close the curtains at night to contain the heat.

Gaps. Seal any gaps that create drafts in your home. Windows and doors are often easy exit points for heat to leave and cold air to enter.

Space Heaters. Avoid space heaters, if possible. They are generally inefficient.

Fans. Switch your ceiling fan setting to spin clockwise, blowing the rising warm air back down.