A study conducted by the University of Arkansas in 2014 found that field trips to live theater enhance literary knowledge, tolerance, and empathy among students. It s part of a body of evidence that supports what the E! Terrell Entertainment Series has been doing for 16 years: providing quality professional entertainment and culturally enriched student outreach programs for Terrell and the surrounding area.
“Educational outreach is one of the goals of E! Terrell, to provide quality entertainment to kids, to expose the kids to the arts,” said volunteer Sarah Kegerreis. “Most of the groups we bring in for the evening shows do a student outreach as well. The students learn about arts and culture and also performance etiquette.”
Whenever possible, the student outreach programs are opened to students from other school districts.
Funds for the outreach programs come from subscription sales and patron-donor program. The entire E! Terrell organization is run by volunteersand has no paid employees. “It is a lot of hard work, but we love it so we do it,” said volunteer Carol Ohmann.
For more information and to see a schedule of upcoming performances, visit eterrell.org.