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Medina EC News

Empowering Communities Through Grants

Medina EC awards $15,000 to area organizations

We believe commitment to community makes a difference. That’s why the Community Empowerment Program works. By giving back to organizations that strive to make a difference, our communities can grow and flourish. This year, $15,000 in grants were awarded to eight worthy organizations that ultimately impact countless people throughout our service area. CEP provides grants for capital improvement projects that support economic development within the 17 counties we serve.

The goal of the program is to encourage economic diversity, contribute to the health and development of a community, and improve the quality and/or quantity of services essential for development and economic growth. This includes services related to education, community planning, recreation, health care, public safety, employment training and transportation.

CEP is funded by unclaimed capital credits and must be approved by the board annually. When these credits remain unclaimed for three years, they are given to the state of Texas. The state can then give a portion of that money back to the cooperative to be used for programs such as CEP, scholarships and energy efficiency. For more information about CEP, visit

2018 CEP Grants

The Boys and Girls Club of Zapata County, $2,500
The grant will be used to purchase sports equipment for the kids to use.

City of Pearsall Volunteer Fire Department, $2,000
This money will go toward a portable AED machine.

Devine Fire and Rescue Dept., $4,900
This grant will be matched so the department can purchase a small brush truck.

Dimmit County Public Library, $1,000
The library is planning to use these funds to upgrade museum displays.

Driscoll Public Library, $600
Funds will go toward furniture for a meeting space that will also feature STEM education programs.

Hondo ISD, McDowell MS, $500
The middle school will purchase equipment to benefit a volunteer-run after-school program.

Medina Healthcare Fund, $1,500
The emergency department will purchase two new patient exam tables.

Uvalde Healthcare Foundation, $2,000
Funds will go toward a van for Kate Marmion Rides to Radiation.