In the hustle and bustle of modern life, these Texans aren’t just going through the motions. Let’s shake a leg and take a look at who really knows how to bust a move.
Sally Grant, Pedernales EC: Coming in for a landing in Grant’s garden
Carol Holbert, Concho Valley EC: “I loved the dirt in the air and the fact that this bull rider walked away!”
Christy Stuart, Jackson EC: Sampson loves to play during bath time.
Cheri Barr, Pedernales EC: One of the competitors at a flying competition in Llano
Pat Rogers, Medina EC: “While taking photos of the dolphin from the ferry, a speedboat passed by at the same time.”
Web Extra: Susan Sackett, Guadalupe Valley EC: “A rare moment when Jackson, Lexi, Ellie and Star are in sync”
Web Extra: Ashley Garza, Bluebonnet EC: Logan Garza does a flip off the back of his great-grandpa’s truck.
Web Extra: Holly Schmidt, Central Texas EC: A red-shouldered hawk in flight
Web Extra: Connie Keck, Bluebonnet EC: “Nothing beats a sunshiny shower!”
Web Extra: Valerie Stillwell, Guadalupe EC: One of Stillwell’s longhorns isn’t too keen on the idea of being removed from the pasture.
Web Extra: Blair Terrill, Medina EC: A farmer harvests his guar crop in Quihi.
Web Extra: Mark Austin, San Bernard EC: Rescue dog Hunter experiences the ocean for the first time.
Web Extra: Denise Parsons, Medina EC: There’s no turning back for a dry Avery Jane LaPorte.
Web Extra: Ron Carlson, Trinity Valley EC: A horse on the move
In the hustle and bustle of modern life, these Texans aren’t just going through the motions. Let’s shake a leg and take a look at who really knows how to bust a move.