Big Country Electric Cooperative is excited to announce that, beginning in June, your bill will have a new look that is easier to read and understand. The example shown here is for a single meter on our residential, farm and seasonal rates.
A new feature of this bill is line-item billing, which separates your $0.099665 kilowatt-hour rate into two components: an energy charge and delivery charge. The 6-cent energy charge is our budgeted cost of purchased power from Golden Spread Electric Cooperative, which is the electricity we buy on your behalf and sell to you. The $0.039665 delivery charge is what Big Country EC operates on. This pays for a variety of expenses incurred by the co-op to deliver electric service to your location.
You likely will recognize the facility charge component, which is unchanged. The facility charge represents fixed costs such as fleet, office and warehouse expenses; materials and supplies; training; and taxes, which together support the solid infrastructure of our electric system.
Commercial accounts’ bills will also receive a new look that is similar but varies slightly from the example shown here.
The goal of the new bill format is to give members an accurate rendering of the charges that are included in their monthly BCEC bills. A more detailed explanation of each item will accompany the new bills in June.