Somewhere at the intersection of physics and chemistry that is cooking, something entertaining, fun and almost magical sometimes appears.
The magic can happen in the kitchen, when a conglomeration of ingredients becomes deliciousness in an unexpected way. Sometimes, magic hides in a recipe when you read it and appears only when you cook it.
One famous example of that is the prize-winning Tunnel of Fudge Cake (find it at, which makes its own interior chocolate filling while baking. I’m sure there’s a rational, scientific explanation for the phenomenon, but there’s also fun in the mystery.
Then there are times when the fun comes in the eating.
Once when I was a child, my mother decided she didn’t want to cook a traditional supper, and instead we had waffles topped with butter-pecan ice cream. That spontaneous decision taught me that food doesn’t have to be predictable or boring. I’ve loved the unexpected ever since.
That’s why I enjoyed these recipes, which came to me courtesy of Billie Baxley of Angleton, who is in the hospital auxiliary with my mom.
The equipment is simple: A microwave-safe mug and a microwave. The ingredients are also simple. Neither will take you more than a couple of minutes to make, but both yield surprisingly good results. The omelet is fluffy and cheesy, and the cobbler is gooey and warm.
Omelet In A Mug
2 eggs, beaten
2-3 tablespoons shredded Cheddar cheese
2 tablespoons cooked ham, diced
1 tablespoon green pepper, diced
Salt, pepper to taste
In microwave-safe cup coated with cooking spray, combine all ingredients. Microwave uncovered on high for 30 to 40 seconds. Stir with fork, then cook another 30 to 60 seconds longer or until eggs are completely set. Turn out onto plate to serve.
Servings: 1. Per serving: 407 calories, 32.6 g protein, 26.2 g fat, 3.9 g carbohydrates, 0.9 g fiber, 1,135 mg sodium, 408 mg cholesterol
Peach Cobbler In A Mug
1 tablespoon butter
2 tablespoons sugar
2 tablespoons flour
1 tablespoon instant nonfat dry milk
1/8 teaspoon baking powder
1/8 teaspoon cinnamon
Dash salt
1 snack-sized container (4 ounces) diced peaches, well drained
Microwave butter in mug until melted, about 20 seconds on high. Add sugar, flour, dry milk, baking powder, cinnamon, salt and 2 tablespoons water to cup. Stir with fork until well blended, then add peaches on top of batter. Do not stir. Reduce microwave power to 70 percent. Cook for two minutes, then let stand in microwave one minute. Remove from oven, let stand until cool enough to eat.
Servings: 1. Per serving: 367 calories, 5.1 g protein, 31 g fat, 63.7 g carbohydrates, 3.1 g fiber, 107 mg sodium, 31 mg cholesterol