Stained Glass Awaits
My wife and I just visited the Morse Museum in Florida and its large collection of Tiffany works [In a Whole New Light, May 2023]. We can’t wait to visit the Gelman Stained Glass Museum.
Richard Santamaria, Pedernales EC | Dripping Springs
My maternal grandparents both immigrated to Texas from Germany and Austria in the decades before World War I [Auf Wiedersehen, May 2023]. My mother, born in the early 1920s, was their only child, and her first language was German. Neither my sister nor I were ever taught German.
Much later in life, I oft wondered why we were not given the gift of a second language.
John W. Palm Jr., Hamilton County EC | Lampasas

Chanelle Nibbelink
Just Dew It
I have dewberries growing all around my house [Crawling With Trouble, May 2023]. I fought them for years trying to get rid of them, but you can’t. Then after harvesting some, I made a cobbler and just decided to cultivate them instead.
Sherrie Taylor | Via Facebook
Westward Bound
Rise Up West [April 2023] was hauntingly familiar. An ancestor moved to West around the end of the Civil War from an area that became the Czech Republic. An uncle told me they left the old country because it was involved in a civil war of its own. That they left one country due to civil war only to arrive in the U.S. with its own civil war is ironic.
Ken Konvicka, United Cooperative Services | Graford
Mockingbirds Are Mean
I regret that the mockingbird is our state bird [Roll Out the Red Carpet, December 2022]. Whoever put the mockingbird up for this prestigious position obviously knew nothing about the mockingbird.
The mockingbird is very aggressive and mean. On several occasions, I have been fortunate enough to intervene and save the lives of bluebirds and cardinals from mockingbirds.
Roberta McLaughlin, Heart of Texas EC | Lorena