Some folks were a little warmer in Montgomery County this winter, thanks to the determination of a certain third-grader.
Lia Witt, a member of Sam Houston Electric Cooperative and a member services employee there, was telling her family in November how she had heard Montgomery County Emergency Assistance was overwhelmed with requests for coats. (Remember how early winter arrived?)
Her son, 9-year-old Noah, piped up, “Mom, we can keep those people warm. We can give them my coats!”
The spark of that gesture turned into a flame: Young Noah organized a coat drive.
He enlisted the help of teachers, neighbors and family, and word of Noah’s drive spread. Sam Houston EC stepped in, collecting coats in every department and at every branch office, and in about a month’s time, Noah collected
71 coats, which were divided between MCEA and Community Action in Livingston.
“They were really excited that people got coats,” Noah says of the East Texas organizations.
Lia said her son has always been generous. “He’ll buy a pack of gum, and immediately he’s giving it all away,” Lia says. “He’s always been selfless.”
Noah has set a goal to collect more than 100 coats next winter. It appears his donation days are far from over.
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