There’s a certain poetry to opening a pristine calendar each January. The clean slate, absent scribbled-in appointments and obligations, encourages reflection and a bit of personal accounting. Rather than lack, the calendar’s empty grid represents promise—the potential for a fresh start in a new year.
Of course, this month, that sense of possibility is accentuated as we embark on not just a new year but a new decade. It’s an especially opportune moment to think about habits and practices that we may want to change, maintain or cultivate.
At Trinity Valley Electric Cooperative, we like to take stock in the same way. Each year presents 365 (or 366 this leap year) new opportunities to earn our members’ trust and business, and January 1 is a good time for all of us here to think about the best ways to do that.
As you know, the co-op’s most fundamental mission is to deliver safe and reliable electric power at a competitive price. That’s what our staff members—from employees at the front desk to the men and women in the field, and from the engineering department to our human resources team and everyone in between—dedicate themselves to, year in and year out. For their dedication, I’d like to express my gratitude. All of them come to work each day with the safe provision of service to our members foremost in mind.
Our board of directors deserves a big thank-you, too. The members of TVEC’s board have taken on the weighty responsibility of running a multimillion-dollar utility. The commitment they display in keeping up with the changing regulatory, technological and legislative landscapes that affect our industry is laudable. Decisions made by the board aren’t undertaken lightly, as directors know that the outcomes of those choices affect thousands of their fellow members. Their diligence is appreciated, and I strive every day to emulate their conscientiousness.
A final thank-you goes to you, our members, who make all our jobs possible. Your support and understanding when things don’t go right, and your input, whether via suggestion, compliment or complaint, helps us do a better job for you.
Without you, there would be no cooperative. For you, for this co-op and for ourselves, you can count on us at TVEC to do our best every day to fulfill the co-op’s mission. Happy new year to you and your family.