We asked for your best bird photos from across Texas, and the winners have come home to roost. This flock of favorites flies in the face of the competition.
Anthony Louviere, Pedernales EC: “Northern cardinal cools off in a water hole on a South Texas ranch.”
Charles Aschenbeck, Jackson EC: “Pine siskins come down to winter in Texas every year.”
Karen Rice, Sam Houston EC: “[Great blue] heron at sunrise at Holiday Shores Marina on Lake Livingston”
Greg Krenek, Mid-South Synergy: “Male wood duck taking flight from our pond at our home in Montgomery”
Pat Dunnuck, Sam Houston EC: “Found this osprey on the east end of Galveston”
Web Extra: Clifton Carroll, Central Texas EC: “White-winged dove at South Llano River State Park”
Charles Aschenbeck, Jackson EC: “Pine siskins come down to winter in Texas every year.”
Web Extra: Charles Aschenbeck, Jackson EC: “Great blue heron getting ready to down a small fish”
Web Extra: Linda Laack, Bluebonnet EC: Pair of cardinals near Lockhart
Web Extra: Kimberlee Stevens, South Plains EC: “Burrowing owlets out and about during the summer of 2016 in Lubbock”
Web Extra: F. Alice Le Duc, Pedernales EC: A northern mockingbird eats sumac berries.
Web Extra: Pam Johnson, Mid-South Synergy: “Scissor-tailed flycatcher taken at my home in Erwin”
Web Extra: Clifton Carroll, Central Texas EC: “Painted bunting in Llano County with feathers ruffled”
Web Extra: Charles Cagle, HILCO EC: “Bald eagle returning to the nest on Lake Waco”
Web Extra: Barbara Ryan, Bandera EC: Eastern screech owl nestling waiting to be fed
Web Extra: Marty Wall, Bartlett EC: Male northern cardinal
We asked for your best bird photos from across Texas, and the winners have come home to roost. This flock of favorites flies in the face of the competition.