Mr. Safety
Danny Williams and his son, Gordon, used to come to Concho Valley Electric Cooperative for safety meetings. If you didn’t learn something from Danny, you weren’t listening [‘The Retirement of a Legend’, March 2024].
Tommy Earnest, Concho Valley EC | San Angelo
Pier Placement
Buoyed by Vice [March 2024] stated that the Balinese Room “sat atop a pier that jutted into the bay.” I thought it was on the seawall, jutting out over the Gulf of Mexico.
John Eaves, Pedernales EC | Leander
Editor’s note: You’re correct. We have fixed the story online.

Kate Gleyzer
Katy’s Spunk
Gordon Jennings was my husband’s great-great-grandfather [A Revere of Our Own, March 2024]. I am writing the story of our family history for our eight grandchildren, and one of them is named Katy. I believe she has as much spunk as the first Katy Jennings!
Judy Jennings, Wise EC | Paradise
Vintage Puzzles
My grandfather made quite a few wooden puzzles in the 1920s and ’30s and apparently sold them, as some have labels from Vincil Novelty Co. [Puzzling Times, February 2024]. My brothers, all my cousins and I still have many of them.
Dorothee Johnson, Grayson-Collin EC | Whitesboro
Adorable Donkeys
As a former longtime breeder, trainer and exhibitor of donkeys, it warms my heart whenever something positive is written about these wonderful animals [Touched by an Angel, January 2024].
The story of Angel riding on a float during a Christmas parade was priceless.
Sandra Osborne Neeley, United Cooperative Services | Grandview