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For Electric Cooperative Members
Finish This Sentence

This Year I’m Finally Going To …

Here are the many ways readers finished this sentence

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Build those raised garden beds for my wife. Or pay one of the grandkids while I watch and supervise.
Randall Hale, Fort Belknap EC | Olney

Travel down different Texas roads.
Chuck Burgess, Heart of Texas EC | Milano

Learn to let go of what I can’t change.
Barbara Ellis | Via Facebook

Quit smoking, drinking and cussing while fixing that leak.
Joe Trevino Jr., Bartlett EC | Killeen

Make no resolutions—just do the best I can each day.
Lora Horton | Via Facebook

Buy an RV and see America with my bride.
Kent Collins, CoServ | Copper Canyon

Finally put my wishes first, for the first time.
Jeanne Killough | Via Facebook

Put in a road base pasture road from one end of my place to the other.
Cory Craft, Hamilton County EC | Lampasas

Let my gray hair grow out.
Rose Marie Davila-Crocker | Via Facebook

Let my actions be my sermon because otherwise words mean nothing.
Sylvia Pesek | Via Facebook

Spontaneously tour the entire state of Texas.
Ralph Jones, HILCO EC | Morgan

Get back in shape and do what I like.
Ruby Baca | Via Facebook

Make everyone I meet smile.
Fred and Suz Preston, Grayson-Collin EC | McKinney

Be a better friend.
Patrick Hickman Willams | Via Facebook

Share my talents, share my heart, volunteer.
Cheryl Gigliotti, Tri-County EC | Aledo

Do my best to keep my mouth quiet.
Leta Massey | Via Facebook

Treat others as I would want to be treated.
Pat Hoffpauir, Bandera EC | Bandera

Clean out every room of junk. Have a large yard sale. Same as last year. Not done yet.
Penny Pemberton | Via Facebook

Put a new belt on the riding lawn mower and mow the ranch yard.
Michael Sonnier, San Patricio EC | George West

Get rid of clutter, clean and organize my new house.
Ardis Martin | Via Facebook

Pay my property taxes on time without penalties.
Sherry Lane, MidSouth EC | Huntsville

Something fun at least once. I can keep that resolution.
Chris Hamilton | Via Facebook

End 31-plus years as an active real estate agent and broker.
Elaine Byrne, Pedernales EC | Austin

Get my life together.
Irene Jenkins | Via Facebook

Get most of my finances paid off. We will be able to spend more time together as a family. Maybe even take a vacation or so.
Gabby Mendoza, Magic Valley EC | Mercedes

Try and go to school.
Dana Rowden | Via Facebook

Organize my storage unit.
Pam Farmer, Fort Belknap EC | Olney

Try a little tenderness.
Roger Howery | Via Facebook

Charles Justin Priolo | Via Facebook

Retire in Crockett.
Tina Leslie, Houston County EC | Crockett

Clean out my closet, for real this time.
Kathryn KC Lopez | Via Facebook

Put God first in my life.
Dana Terpstra, CECA | Comanche

Try to be more positive about things.
Kare Francis | Via Facebook

Work on a story I started writing.
Susan Bevilacqua-Balser | Via Facebook

Take one day at a time.
Ruby Gumpert | Via Facebook

Worry way less. Putting too much stress on myself; not worth my health.
Kelly Romero | Via Facebook

Travel again. Only one trip out of state in the past five years.
Helen Smith | Via Facebook

Forget the past and not look back.
Roger Howery | Via Facebook

Save some money and pay down debt.
Dale Swindle | Via Facebook

Stop thinking about the past and enjoy each new day.
Sharron Kolbus | Via Facebook