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A washing machine that dries the clothes, folds them and puts them up.
Nancy Becker, Concho Valley EC | Paint Rock
A canoe-shaped hotdog bun to hold all the condiments and chili.
Mike Weber, United Cooperative Services | Granbury
A key fob that could roll up the windows on your vehicle when it starts raining and you are inside at work.
Larenda Bradshaw, Jasper-Newton EC | Jasper
A smoke alarm that can be serviced at ground level or without a ladder.
Frank M. Wagnon, Fort Belknap EC | Southlake
A machine that automatically picks up toys like the vacuum that cleans by itself. My grandchild leaves them everywhere.
Sandra Valderaz, Pedernales EC | Leander
A smile machine.
James Krentz, Magic Valley EC | Edinburg
A pillow that plays soothing sounds to help with sleep.
Rebecca Michalkiewicz, Pedernales EC | Lago Vista
A cellphone that doesn’t drop the call when going from one cell tower to another.
Steve Bailey, PenTex Energy | Gainesville
An electric car that recharges in the same amount of time that it takes to pump a tank of gas.
Elaine Gideon | Via Facebook
A Christmas tree that decorates itself.
Donalie Beltran, CECA | May
Bed sheets that don’t tangle.
Wayne Adams, Grayson-Collin EC | Melissa
A sewing machine bobbin that sews off of a regular-sized spool of thread instead of having to refill a little bobbin spool.
Susan Rumbelow, Wood County EC | Van
A machine that makes us stay young forever.
James Krentz, Magic Valley EC | Edinburg
An app that does a mammogram—there’s got to be a better way.
Claudia Haider, Bluebonnet EC | Elgin
A barbed wire whoopee cushion for fence-sitting politicians.
Dudley Dobie, Fayette EC | Schulenburg
A solar-powered personal flying machine.
Sidney Lenz, CoServ | Plano
A dishwasher that you don’t have to bend over to fill or empty.
Yvonne Ambrose, PenTex Energy | Muenster
A fork that will not slide off your plate, leaving a splatter on the floor or chair.
Dan Nunley, Victoria EC | Port Lavaca
A child’s car seat that supports their head while they sleep.
Nona Gardner, Deep East Texas EC | Garrison
An app that compliments me on everything I do even if I’m doing it wrong.
Joseph Wark, Bluebonnet EC | Brenham
A flagpole that will lower a flag at dusk and raise a flag at dawn automatically.
Jennifer Alejandro, Medina EC | Batesville
A kitchen appliance that moves clean dishes from the automatic dishwasher to the cupboard.
Gloria Wark, Bluebonnet EC | Brenham