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Finish This Sentence

Rural Life Is …

Here are the many ways readers finished this sentence

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Seeing the dust rise a mile away and knowing you better get the laundry off the line and folded before Mother pulls into the driveway.
Barbara Tweed, Tri-County EC | Fort Worth

Seeing more tractors go by your house than cars.
John and Sherrie Moore, Bluebonnet EC | Paige

When you see every star in the sky and you can hear every sound that nothing makes.
Corey Jacob, Pedernales EC | Dripping Springs

Knowing and helping your neighbor even though he’s acres away.
Robert Lankford, Houston County EC | Apple Springs

Far from Walmart.
Angel Gorka, CECA | May

Kelly Christofferson, Fayette EC | Muldoon

Melba Ingram, Lamar Electric | Clarksville

The closest to Eden we can get.
Eric Kolber, Fayette EC | Burton

No gridlock.
Valerie Brown, PenTex Energy | Nocona

Simple—take one day at a time and go with the flow.
Lidia Mendez, South Plains EC | Ralls

Peaceful, blessed and always interesting. Between the domestic animals and wildlife, you never know what is going to happen.
Kathy Boydston, Pedernales EC | Dripping Springs

What most people’s hearts aspire to.
Jackie Hatfield, Central Texas EC | Llano

What it must be like in heaven—peaceful and serene.
Linda Barbara, Wood County EC | Tyler

Seeing deer, turkeys, foxes and javelinas just past my backyard.
Maureen Ozanich, Pedernales EC | New Braunfels

The lifeblood of Texas.
Benny Calvit, Bowie-Cass EC | De Kalb

Good for the mind, the heart and the soul.
Janie Colston, Pedernales EC | Spring Branch

Traffic jams only because the cattle are being moved between fields at the time.
Jade Huot, HILCO EC | Whitney

Something every American should experience, if only to observe how our ancestors in the past centuries lived.
Mike Boston, Pedernales EC | New Braunfels

Simply wonderful.
Melinda Wood Sasarak | Via Facebook

Medicine to the soul.
Laurel Lear, Pedernales EC | Harwood

Fresh country air, homegrown veggies and the best life.
Norma Jean Harvey, Guadalupe Valley EC | New Braunfels

Hands down, better than city life.
Pat Stine, Pedernales EC | Buda

Out there.
David Bendele, Medina EC | Hondo

Being hugged by Mother Nature.
Sally Armstrong, Pedernales EC | Johnson City

The closest place to heaven.
Mary E. Bell, Karnes EC | Poteet

Sometimes the best place on Earth and sometimes lonely and frustrating. But I wouldn’t want to live anywhere else.
Joy B. Adams Custer | Via Facebook

Barbara Smith, Big Country EC | Roby

Real life.
Harold Moore, United Cooperative Services | Burleson

The best form of education for life.
Mark Woolsey, CoServ | Denton

A state of mind. Live there or visit just as quick as you can.
Ed Mauzey, Grayson-Collin EC | Anna

Disappearing. Sad but true.
Susan Bielke Gray | Via Facebook

Clean fresh air, starry nights, hoots of an owl, a whip-poor-will’s song, a place where only nature speaks and you can greet a stranger with a smile.
W.A. McCormick, Bryan Texas Utilities | Bryan

Getting mighty crowded.
Bill Beck, Tri-County EC | Azle

Good for the mind, body and spirit.
W. Randy Pretzer, Navasota Valley EC | Coolidge

God’s gift of nature.
Rita Scholander, Farmers EC | Greenville

Knowing that the real world is on my side of the main gate.
Curtis Chubb, Bartlett EC | Milam County

A legacy from generations past, a respite from hectic urban living.
Norma L. Rodriguez, Magic Valley EC | San Antonio

Where the city folk head for the weekend when they need a break from the in-laws.
Alan Rubin, United Cooperative Services | Dublin

A whole lot better than living in the city.
George Thaxton, Big Country EC | Stamford

Needing less and doing more.
Kat Cross, Houston County EC | Crockett

The greatest, self-rewarding life.
Larry Rose, Wise EC | Alvord

Heaven on Earth.
Donna Price, Trinity Valley EC | Mabank

The best life.
LaVerne Teague, Victoria EC | Victoria

Still nice, but not nearly as nice as it was before World War II, when small farms still dotted the countryside and I listened to red wolves howl every workday morning in
answer to a sawmill steam whistle.
Waymon Vest, Houston County EC | Crockett

The best life.
Norma Armstrong, Sam Houston EC | Woodville

A glimpse of heaven.
Nancy Pace, Heart of Texas EC | Milam County

The best life.
Dawn Carpenter, Deep East Texas EC | Tenaha

In the heat of summer, joining friends in taking a dip in the stock tank out in the pasture, with sounds of laughter filling the air.
Brenda Payne, Trinity Valley EC | Neches

Having boots lined up by the door.
Laura Biggs Finley | Via Facebook